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It’s okay to take a break..

Vinny Hale

The Backstory Have you ever had a migraine? You know, that *thump* *thump* *thump* pounding in your head when you try to move? The piercing echo from every noise in the house or even the blurry words flashing across the computer screen as you try to study?

I considered myself one of the lucky few who, until recently, never had to worry about those pain-wrenching SOB’s.

However, this morning I found myself curled up within the warmth of my bed trying to avoid the light of day because I couldn’t bare to try and read the blurry words dancing across my computer screen anymore.

I woke up early this morning with the plan of making up ground on my study schedule as I prepare for my next CPA exam and was quickly notified by my migraine that the studying on the agenda for the day was not going to happen. Initially, I did everything that I could to subdue the pain enough to keep reading.

However, after consulting my resident physician, Tyler McCorvy.

Side Note: If you’re not aware, I absolutely despise taking medicine. So every time a medical decision comes up in my life I call the smartest person I know for an opinion.

On most occasions I’m greeted with laughter from my good buddy Tyler who, despite not having an actual medical degree, assures me that it’s okay to take more than one Aleve pill within a 24 hour period. Good guy.

Now back to the story.

So I call up Tyler and he tells me it’s perfectly fine to go ahead and take some migraine medicine.

The medicine gets taken, I lay down in bed and for some reason cannot seem to fall asleep for a quick nap. I assure myself that this is no way related to three cups of coffee I had an hour ealier and proceed to lay there in deep thought while letting the medicine take effect.

The Reflection

I really began to beat myself up about how I was going to put myself even more behind schedule by not studying today. Taking a day off was beginning to make me feel like I was just over exaggerating my symptoms and that I should tough it out and get back on the metaphorical horse.

After trying to motivate myself for a while and still feeling rough I came to a realization.

It’s okay to take a break.

I’m sure I’m not the only one out there who feels like they’re doing themselves an injustice by taking time for themselves. While it’s great to stay motivated and take care of your’s also important to take care of ourselves.

So if you needed to hear it - this is a reminder to get some fresh air, take some time off, and relax for a while. Your work, textbooks, and other responsibilities will all be waiting for you tomorrow regardless of whether you stress about it today.

Self care doesn’t mean selfish.

Oh, and thanks to good ole Dr. McCorvy’s advice...the medicine helped my migraine go away.

Much love,


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Apr 22, 2021

Great Advice!



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